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I have dedicated 7 years of my life to POCOYO , working on over 25 mobile apps and shipping a video game for the Switch and PlayStation. It has been an incredible journey! I am extremely grateful for this experience and for having the opportunity to meet such amazing and talented individuals.

As a 3D artist at POCOYO, my main role is in the 3D part where I handle modeling, rigging, and animation, which are part of my day-to-day tasks for the apps we create.

However, due to the common needs of a small department, I have also had the opportunity to temporarily cover areas such as UI/UX. In these areas, I have been able to develop my skills as a 2D artist in a tangible way.


I have also worked on visual marketing, statistics control, A/B testing (where I have achieved improvements of over 30% in downloads compared to previous periods), coordination with other departments, designing mechanics, sound, and even preparing scripts for voice-overs. I am proud that over these years, I have always been willing to cover departmental needs, whether or not they align with my personal requirements.

During these years working directly with programmers, I have been able to understand their specific needs. Although I have some technical knowledge as a user in version control with Tortoise and have even developed some scripts on my own, lately with AI, it is through communication and synergy in understanding how their tasks are structured that we work together in a solid and clear manner in Unity. It is important to understand a colleague's needs in advance, identify where a bug comes from, suggest how they can create or should create a script, and even offer different solutions by thinking outside the box. These communication skills can only be achieved through direct day-to-day experience, and I have to thank all my colleagues with whom I have had the fortunate opportunity to work. Not only are they competent and fantastic programmers, but they have always supported my infinite curiosity with equally infinite patience. Thanks, friends!

To accomplish that, I use Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop/Affinity , andUnity for visual adjustment. I also take care of the UI design to accommodate the product interface to the end UX with Illustrator and affinity pack, as well as of the concept art, icons and images for advertising. Color, image compositing, VFX or FX particles are part of my daily work too.


Click on projects below to see project information in detail!


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